Quentin Cornish

Chair of the CLP

Quentin has been a Labour Party member since 2010. He has previously served as Bury St. Edmunds Branch Chair, and was a Bury St. Edmunds Town Councillor for Minden Ward for 4 years from 2011. He spent his 40-year working life in the NHS, first as an intensive care nurse and then as a manager. He retired in 2017.

Judith Moore

CLP Secretary

Judith has been Secretary and Women’s Officer for the CLP since autumn 2023. It’s been a busy and exciting year with the General Election, and she’s still learning in her role. Judith also focuses on encouraging women's participation in the party.

Peter Armitage


Peter is Treasurer for the CLP and a Councillor for Bury St Edmunds Town Council. He started his career as a trainee Civil Engineer and has led public transport planning teams for cities around the world.

Marilyn Sayer

Membership Officer

Marilyn has been involved in admin roles throughout her career and moved to Bury St Edmunds in 1992. She became involved in politics in retirement due to the injustices she saw in society and has since applied her skills to the Labour Party.

Annabelle Mackenzie

Social Media Officer

Annabelle is the CLP Social Media Officer and manages the party's social media accounts. She also works in healthcare and is a Town Councillor for Abbeygate ward in Bury St Edmunds.

Tom Howard

Disability Officer

Tom is the Disability Officer for the CLP, diagnosed with autism during university. He has led a national campaign for mandatory neurodiversity training in higher education and aims to create lasting change for disabled individuals.

Dylan Roques

Youth Officer

Dylan joined the Labour Party in 2022 and became Youth Officer for the CLP in 2023. Dylan is also the LGBT+ Officer and Youth Officer for the Bury St Edmunds branch and has held these positions since 2022. Dylan is passionate about increasing youth participation in politics within the constituency.

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