Quentin Cornish

Chair of the CLP


Quentin has been a Labour Party member since 2010 (you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone). He has previously served as Bury St. Edmunds Branch Chair, and was a Bury St. Edmunds Town Councillor for Minden Ward for 4 years from 2011.

He spent his 40-year working life in the NHS, first as an intensive care nurse and then as a manager. He retired in 2017.

Quentin has lived in Bury St. Edmunds since 1988, is married, and has one grown-up son.

He spends his non-political time volunteering for the Suffolk Wildlife Trust, writing for the Citroën Car Club magazine, and trying to keep fit. He also spends far too much time sampling the NHS as a user of various of its services.

Our recent stunning general election success has energized our members, so we hope to capitalize on that energy in the County Council and future District elections.

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